What are you waiting for?!



Who are the Headshot + Mini coaching sessions for?

We'll, we’re stoked you asked… they’re for someone who is ready to…

* Start booking roles.


* Feel confident AF instead of confused, uncertain, second guessing themselves in the room and when they fall asleep at night.

* Start getting called in to audition & be a badass and go get a talent agent .

* Receive one-on-one attention & coaching without having to haul themselves across state or city to a classroom.

If you feel like you’re ready for these things… what are you waiting for? No one is going to live or make your dream life happen for you… It’s time to invest in yourself! Keep reading for more specific details on what’s included.

What is it?

It's ONE HEADSHOT MINI SESSION with Mindy Robertson Photography & ONE Hour LONG 1:1 coaching session with my eyes, ears and energy on your materials, self tapes & goals all so we can move through your obstacles and help you grow into a confident booking actor, doing what you love! Headshot sessions will be scheduled at a later date.

Mindy will give you:

  • a proof gallery of all the best images

  • 5 edited, high-resolution digital images

  • 2 re-touches ($25/photo for additional re-touching)

It’s all tailor made to fit you and your needs so you have what you need to submit to projects like a boss, rock an audition, self-tape like a pro and feel confident AF about your talent and abilities.


What else will you get?

My eyes and ears on all of your materials including your:

  • demo reels

  • headshots

  • resume

  • self tapes

  • Actors Access or Casting Networks profiles


  • My Actor’s Who Book Resume Guide

  • You’ll also receive my Actors Who Book Reading List that’ll really help you get focused and get clear.

  • You’ll have lifetime access to our Private Facebook Group with fellow acting and writing coaching clients that will help motivate, elevate and answer all types of questions you may have!

Are you ready to have the next steps to getting powerful materials, getting the right auditions, creating relationships with casting directors, and submitting to projects and start booking??? Then, let’s book!

How many clients will I take and what’s the investment?

We only have time to take on 3 clients for the headshot mini sessions! Grab your slot now because they’ll book super fast!

Mindy is already booked through April and we definitely dont want you to miss out on getting new headshots before the spring audition season is over!

You can snag this entire package for only $197! That’s an incredible new headshot and personalized coaching for under $200. Schweet!



Hey y’all!

I’m Kody Burns, owner of Coffee & Scripts Studios & Productions, actress, voice over artist, proud momma to 3 adorable kiddos, lover of films, books, self-help anything, lifting others up to their highest potential and life… definitely a massively huge fan of loving the life we have.

I love performing. I’ve performed on stage, screen and voice work for the last couple of decades in NYC, Oklahoma, Texas, Atlanta and LA. It’s the best and sometimes most daunting work I could do… and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’m right in the trenches with you… that’s what makes it easy for me to see where we can tweak your work. I have my own coaches too! Honestly, any performer should have a coach and constantly be working on their materials and practicing their art. It’s what makes us better artists. So, I have the insider scoop. I’ve been doing this for decades. I can help you get out of your own way… just like I’ve seen my coaches do for me, all you need to do is be coachable and do the work!

So, let’s do the thing! Let’s turn you into a badass actor who books!