Here at Coffee & Scripts Studios we value the safety of others first and foremost…

We are following recommendations and guidelines from the CDC. We require a waiver to be signed by all of our participants that they will adhere to our safety precautions before they are able to attend our camps.

Here are a few things we are doing to protect you:

  • Masks will be worn at all times possible. When students are up to perform, sing or dance they will of course need to take their masks off. At all other times, they will be required to be worn.

  • The space and restrooms will be sanitized frequently throughout the day and between sessions.

  • Seating will be spaced out to provide the CDC recommended distance between persons.

  • Individual Sanitizer bottles will be provided to all participants.

  • Personal water bottles will be provided to all participants.

  • Snacks will be provided that are single, personal use and disposable.

  • Temperature checks will be taken every morning before participants and instructors are allowed to enter.

  • Masks will be provided if participants do not have their own.

  • We ask participants to not attend if they have come into contact with any persons that have tested positive or shown sign or symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 14 days or if they themselves are experiencing any signs or symptoms of illness.